Galaxy Architecture
GALAXY is an architecture developed by the SLS group for
integrating speech technologies to create conversational spoken
language systems. GALAXY utilizes a client/server approach where users
can communicate with the system from light-weight clients while
specialized servers handle the computationally heavy tasks such as
speech recognition, language understanding, database access and speech
synthesis. GALAXY's key architectural component is a central
programmable Hub which controls the flow of data between the various
clients and servers and retains the state and history of the current
conversation. GALAXY has been selected as the reference architecture
for the DARPA Communicator Program. In collaboration with the MITRE Corporation, the SLS
group released GALAXY as an open source package.
S. Seneff, E. Hurley, R. Lau, C. Pao, P. Schmid, and V. Zue,
"GALAXY-II: A Reference Architecture for Conversational System Development,"
Proc. ICSLP 98, Sydney, Australia, November 1998.
S. Seneff, R. Lau and J. Polifroni,
"Organization, Communication, and Control in the
GALAXY-II Conversational System,"
Proc. Eurospeech 99, Budapest, Hungary, September 1999.
J. Polifroni and S. Seneff,
"GALAXY-II as an Architecture for Spoken Dialogue Evaluation"
Proc. Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC),
Athens, Greece, May 31-June 2, 2000.